
出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 军事医学科学出版社《临床常用进口药物手册》第428页(4904字)


























The special composition of Roter tablets makes it possible to treat effectively the majority of affections of the stomach and duodenum.Taken regularly,they will completely clear up the disorders due to gastric and duodenal ulcer,gastritis,excessive acidity of the gastric juices,nervous dyspepsia,heartburn and spasms.Even in resistant and chronic cases Roter tablets usually give rapid symptomatic relief.


Under certain circumstances,the digestive juices are liable to attack the gastric and duodenal mucous membranes and damage the tissues.The curative effect of Roter tablets derives mainly from the Bismuth Subnitrate which is specially processed by Roter so that it reaches the stomach in a very finely divided form.This specially processed Bismuth Subnitrate is able to absorb injurious substances and adheres firmly to the gastric and duodenal mucous mem branes.The“protective film”thus formed increases the regenerating power of the mucous membranes and gives the damaged tissues a chance to heal.Roter tablets reduce excessive acidity of the gastric juices,regulate defaecation and restore normal digestion.Appetite returns,and as a result of this the body regains its normal weight and the zest for life is restored.During a course of Roter tablets it is normal for the faeces to have a dark colour.Long experience has proved that Roter tablets,even if taken for prolonged periods,have no adverse side effects.

In cases of severe chronic gastric disorders patients are advised to consult their doctor.


Each tablet contains:Bismuthi subnitras Roter 300mg,Magnesii subcarbonas 400mg,Natrii bicarbonas 200mg,Cortex Rhamni frangulae 25mg.

Direction for use

The tablets are easiest to take after they have disintegrated in a little luke-warm water.If preferred they can also be broken up into fragments and swallowed with water.

Dosage.the recommended dosage is two tablets three times a day,to be taken immediately after meals.It is important that the patient should persevere in this for at least two months,and in the more severe cases,for three months.

Course of treatment.As a rule,pain and discomfort will ease up soon after the course has begun and will then cease altogether.The patient will find that his,or her,daily life has again become normal.However,to get the full benefit from the course,and to achieve permanent recovery,there should be no slackening of the treatment during the prescribed period.

Diet.It has been found from experience that no special dieting is necessary.As a rule,however,the physician will advise patients with the more severe stomach disorders to be at first very moderate in the consumption of alcoholic liquors,fried food,the various types of cabbage,coffee,smoking(especially on an empty stomach!),and to avoid rich and copious meals.

Maintenance treatment.At the end of the prescribed two or three months it is advisable to continue the treatment on reduced dosage in order to minimize the risk of relapse.For the following two or three months the recommended dosage is one tablet three times daily,to be followed by one or two tablets daily,preferably after the main meal of the day.Provided they are kept dry,Roter tablets will keep indefinitely and will disintegrate easily in water.

Packing.Roter tablets are obtainable in packets of 40,120 and 500 tablets.


Pharmaceutische Fabriek.Roter C.V.,Hilversum/Holland
