
书籍:汉英气功医疗词典 更新时间:2018-11-15 15:57:48

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 科学普及出版社《汉英气功医疗词典》第3页(478字)

triple heater

(the functional sections of the body cavity and not the actual organs. Generally, the segment above the diaphragm, includ-ing the heart and lungs, belongs to the upper heater; that be-tween the diaphragm and umbilicus, including the liver, stom-ach and spleen, belongs to the middle heater; and that below the umbilicus including the kidneys, bladder, and large and small intestines, belongs to the lower heater. )

上一篇:七冲门 下一篇:汉英气功医疗词典目录