
书籍:汉英气功医疗词典 更新时间:2018-11-15 16:48:36

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 科学普及出版社《汉英气功医疗词典》第221页(914字)

holistic concept

(it is an important idea of traditional Chinese medicine in preventing and treating disease. It has two main compo-nents:①human body is regarded as an integral, with spe-cial emphasis on the harmonic and integral inter-relation-ship between the viscera and the superficial structures in their close physiologic connections and their mutual patho-logic influence. Thereby, in TCM, the local pathological changes are always considered in conjunction with other tissues and organs of the entire body, instead of being con-sidered alone. ②special attention is paid to the integration of the human body with the external environment. The on-set , the evolution and the changes of a disease are consid-ered in conjunction with the climatic,geographic,social and other enviromental factors, rather than considering the dis-ease as an isolated incident. )

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