
书籍:汉英气功医疗词典 更新时间:2018-11-15 16:49:00

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 科学普及出版社《汉英气功医疗词典》第226页(1028字)


(planning treatment according to diagnosis)

(in traditional Chinese medicine, BIANZHENG means that the patient' s symptoms and signs are analyzed and summa-rized in order to identify the etiology, the location of the le-sion , the pathologic changes and the body condition, etc. SHIZHI means that a proper therapeutic program is deter-mined according to the result of diagnosis. BIANZHENG is the way of TCM to analyze and recognize disease, while SHIZHI, to formulate a definitive therapeutic program. For example, at the early stage of disease, the patient may ex-perience fever and chills, no sweating, headache, general body aching, etc. These symptoms and signs may be recog-nized as the exterior symptom of wind and cold according to TCM. Hence, the therapeutic principle of relieving such symptoms is to employ diaphoretics of pungent and hot na-ture. This is the general principle of "planning treatment according to diagnosis". )
