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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:20:24

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第77页(1212字)


①(地点)在:at the station在火车站.at home在家.at a meeting在会上.②(表示方向):aim at the enemy向敌人瞄准.rush at the enemy向敌人冲去.What are you looking at?你在看什么?Somebody is knocking at the door.有人在敲门.Don’tlaugh at him.别笑他.③(表示原因):The baby was frightened at the noise.这婴儿听到响声吓了一跳.④(时间)在:at four o′clock在四点钟.at this moment在这时.at the same time同时.at times时常.at night在夜里.at noon在中午.at the beginning of the month在月初.He joined the Red Army at fifteen.他十五岁就参加了红军.⑤按照,依照:at sb.’s invitation根据某人的邀请.We did it at his request.我们是按照他的请求做的.at will随意,任意.⑥(表示温度、高度、速度)在,以:at 20 degrees below zero在零下二十度.at the altitude of one thousand metres在一千公尺高度.at the rate of 200 kilometres an hour以每小时二百公里的速度.at full speed全速.at a snail’s pace爬行.⑦(表示状态)处于:be at war(peace)处于战争(和平)状态.at ease安心,平静.He was at a loss what to say.他不知说什么好.⑧(表示从事):He is at work.他在工作.What is he at now?他在干什么?He works hard at English.他努力学习英语.⑨(表示代价、费用)以,用:sell at a high price高价出售.at the cost of以…作代价.at all costs不惜任何代价.at the risk of冒…危险.⑩(与good,quick,slow等形容词连用)在…方面:be good at swimming擅长游泳.He is quick at figures.他算得很快.⑾(表示距离):The picture looks better at a distance.这张画离远看更好.⑿(表示极点):at first最初.at last最后.at least至少.at most至多也不过…,大不了….at the best至好也不过…,充其量….

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