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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:35:52

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第191页(2176字)


vt.①搬运,运送:He carried a bag of rice on his shoulder.他扛着一袋大米.She is carrying a baby in her arms.她抱着一个小孩.Trains carry chemical fertilizer to the rural areas.火车将化肥运往农村各地.He ran as fast as his legs could carry him.他使劲快跑.②带,携带:The P.L.A.man carries a rifle on sentry.解放军战士带枪站岗.The barefoot doctor always carries her medical kit.那赤脚医生总是带着药包.③有,带有,含有:His remarks carry much weight.他的话很有份量.④传播,传导,输送:The extra good news was carried all over the world.特大喜讯传遍了全世界.The oil is carried to the oil refinery in pipe-lines.石油通过输油管输送到炼油厂.Air carries sounds.空气传导声音.⑤支撑,支持:Pillars carry the roof.柱子支撑屋顶.⑥伸延,继续:carry pipes under a street延长街道下面的管道.carry into practice(or effect,execution)实施,实行:The new train schedule will be carried into practice from May 1st.新的火车时刻表将从五月一日起开始实行.carry out执行,实行,贯彻:carry out a plan执行计划.carry out one’s promise履行诺言.carry out the Party’s policies贯彻党的方针政策.carry through进行到底,坚持到底,贯彻:carry through the mass line贯彻群众路线.carry the revolution through to the end将革命进行到底.The task is difficult but his revolutionary drive will carry him through.任务是艰巨的,但他的革命干劲会使他坚持到底.⑦赢得,夺取,说服,克服:carry the enemy’s position攻克敌军阵地.The motion(resolution)was carried.提议(决议)已经通过.carry off(prizes)获得(奖品).carry the day获胜.⑧举动:He carries himself like a soldier.他的举止象军人.⑨登载,登出(消息等):To day’s Renmin Ribao carries a commentator’s article.今天的《人民日报》刊登了一篇评论员文章.

-vi.(声音等)能达到(多远),(枪等)能打到(多远):This artillery carries about twenty miles.这种大炮能打到廿哩以外.His voice carries well.他的声音宏亮.

△carry away 1)搬走,运去,冲走:The tent was carried away by the flood.帐蓬被大水冲走了.2)使出神,使入迷,使陶醉:Don’t be carried away by success.不要被胜利冲昏头脑.carry back拿回,使回忆起:The report of the old poor peasant carried us back to the miserable life before liberation老贫农的报告使我们回想起解放前的痛苦生活.carry forward 1)推进,发扬:We must carry the revolutionary tradition forward.我们要发扬革命传统.2)转(下页、下期等).carry it off(well)掩饰错误等,装作无事.carry off with a laugh置之一笑.carry on 1)继续进行:carry on(with)the experiment继续进行试验.2)经营,从事,处理.3)【口语】调戏,打哈哈,开玩笑(with).carry ovgr延期至,转入:They agreed to carry over the discussion to the next meeting.他们同意下次开会继续讨论.


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