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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:39:52

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第221页(712字)


a.①清洁的,干净的:clean water清水.a clean proof(校对)清样.keep the room clean 保持室内清洁.②纯洁的,清白的,老实的:have a clean record历史清白,来历清楚.have clean hands清白,无罪过.come clean【口语】说出,交代.Keep a clean tongue.【口语】嘴干净一点(不要说下流话).③爱干净的.④整齐的;匀称的:clean timber无节疤的木材.A sharp knife makes a clean cut.快刀切得齐.⑤高明的,巧妙的.⑥完全的:a clean sweep完全的胜利.

-ad.完全地,彻底地,干净地:He clean forgot about it.他忘得一干二净.clean wrong完全错误.

-v.①弄干净,弄整洁:clean down清扫(墙壁等).clean out收拾干净.be cleaned out【口语】把钱花光了.clean up 1)扫除,打扫:Clean up the room before the meeting begins.开会之前把房间打扫干净.2)肃清:clean up the counter-revolutionaries肃清反革命.clean up the mire left by the old society荡涤旧社会遗留下来的污泥浊水.3)【口语】赚钱.②纯化,净化,精炼,提纯.

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