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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:15:04

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第452页(1719字)


n.①脸,面部:lie on one’s face 俯卧.look sb.in the face 盯着看某人.be unable to look sb.in the face 羞得不敢正视某人.show one’s face 露面. set one’s face against反对….face to face 1)面对面:a face to face struggle面对面的斗争.2)对面相遇:The two armies met face to face on the battlefield.两军在战场上短兵相接.②面子,尊严:lose(one’s) face 丢脸.save one’s face 保全面子.③面前,当面:in(the) face of 1)面临:He was fearless in face of great danger.他临危不惧.2)尽管,不顾,违反:fly in the face of public disapproval冒天下之大不韪.in sb.’s face 1)正对着脸:The sun was shining in our faces.阳光照在我们的脸上.2)不隐讳:laugh in sb.’s face 当面嘲笑某人.to sb.’s face 当面地:I’ll tell him so to his face.我将当面告诉他.④容貌,面容,表情:an angry face 怒容.smiling faces笑容.a good judge of faces善于察颜观色的人.get one’s face on化装.a funny face 滑稽面具.keep a straight face 绷着脸.make a face(or faces)(at sb.)(对某人)做鬼脸.⑤表面,正面,面:the face of a clock钟面.the face of a building建筑物的正面.the face of the earth地球表面.⑥局面,外表:on the face of it从表面来看.put a new face on sth.使面目一新,使改观.⑦大胆,厚颜:have the face(to do sth.)竟厚着脸皮(干某事).put a good(or bold) face on sth.处置某事时显出勇气.⑧票面:face value票面额.⑨【矿】工作面:The miners worked at the coal face.煤矿工人在采掘面工作.

-vt.①面向:The window face sthe street.窗户朝着大街.We marched facing the morning sun.我们迎着朝霞前进.②勇敢面对:face the enemy抗击敌人.face difficulties面对困难.face the world and brave the storm经风雨,见世面.face a matter(or it)out坚持到底,不屈.③正视(事实等):face altered circumstances正视已改变了的情况.④使面临:the problem that faces us我们面临的问题.be faced with difficulties面临困难.⑤装饰表面,镶边:face a wall with concrete用混凝土涂饰墙面.⑥磨平,磨光(石头、铸件等).⑦【军】命令转向:He faced his men to the left.他命令战士向左转.

-vi.朝向,面对着:face up to any natural calamity勇敢地对付任何自然灾害.Our house faces(to the)south.我们的房子朝南.About face(=Face about)!向后转!Left(Right) face!向左(右)转!

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