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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:00:41

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第819页(920字)


aux.v.①(表示责任、义务或必要,否定式用need not)必须.We must get everything ready before the outbreak of war.我们必须在战争爆发之前做好一切准备.You must give him a hand but vou need not do so now.你必须帮助他,但是现在不必这样做.Must I return you the book today?一Yes,vou must(No,you needn’t).我必须今天把书还给你吗?——是的,要今天还(不,不必今天还).(注意:must not表示禁止,不可以:You must not do it.你不可以做那件事.)②(表示希望、劝告)应该,应当:I must ask you not to do that again.我应该要求你不要再做那事.③(表示肯定)总要,一定要:Bad seed must produce bad corn.坏种结坏果.④(表示推测,具有近于肯定的可能性,否定式用can not or could not)一定,准是:She is out.She must go and pay a home-visit.她出去了.她一定去家访了.You must be very tired atter your long walk.你走了这么远的路一定很累了.He must have suffered terribly in the past.他过去一定很苦.She must come tomorrow.她明天准来.⑤不巧,偏偏:Just as we were about to start,it must rain.正当我们要出发时,偏偏下雨了.

-n.(a must)【口语】绝对必要,必须要做的事:This decision is a must.这项决定必须执行.

-a.【口语】(绝对)必要的:a must book必读的书.

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