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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:48:29

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1149页(1779字)


vt.①安顿,安置,安排,弄好,处理好:settle a room整理房间.settle one’s affairs把事务处理妥当.settle sb.down to work使某人安心工作.settle sb.in business为某人安排工作.settle oneself in a place定居于某地.settle oneself in a chair就座.②解决,调解,决定:settle an argument解决争议的问题.The matter is settle d.这事已经定了.The question of Viet Nam must be settled in conformity with the Vietnamese people’s own wishes.越南问题必须按照越南人民自己的意愿求得解决.We settled to go to the countryside.我们决定下乡.Have you settled what to do(where to go)?你已经决定做什么(到哪里去)了吗?③还(债),付(帐),结算:settle a debt还债.settle a bill付帐.have an account(or a score)to settle with sb.有一笔帐要找某人清算,要找某人报仇:We have plenty of accounts to settle with the imperialists.我们有许多帐要和帝国主义者清算.④使沉淀,使澄清:We need a shower to settle dust.我们需要一场阵雨,以免尘土飞扬.⑤【法】给与,让与(财产等):settle part of estate on sb.把部分财产(依法)给某人.⑥殖民:The Spaniards settled Latin America.西班牙人曾向拉美殖民.

-vi.①安家,移居,定居:settle in Shenyang定居沈阳.settle in a new house迁入新居.A lot of people settled down in the countryside.许多人在农村安家落户.②平静,镇定,安定:settle down to one’s work安心工作.The excitement settled down.激动的心情平静下去了.When everybody had settled down,the chairman declared the meeting open.当每个人都安定下来时,主席宣布开会.③停息,暂留:The bird settled on a tree.鸟停息在树上.The snow settles on the branches.雪压在树枝上.The cold settled on my chest.我感冒咳嗽了.④澄清,沉淀:The dregs settled and the winewas clear.渣子沉淀,酒清了.⑤渐沉,陷落:The ship was settling.船逐渐下沉.The foundation of the building settle d.房基下陷了.settle into shape解决,有了头绪:Things are settling into shape.事情逐渐有了头绪.⑥决定,确定:settle on(or upon) 1)选定,决定:settle on some plan决定某一计划.settle on doing sth.决定做某事.2)达成协议,商定:They finally settled on the terms of the agreement.他们最后商定了协定的条款.⑦偿付,付帐:Will you settle for me?您代我把帐付了好吗?I will settle(up)with you tomorrow.我明天一定把帐还给你.⑧殖民(于某地):The Dutch settled in South Africa.荷兰人在南非殖民.

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