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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:19:26

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1354页(746字)


n.①音,音色,音调:the sweet tone of a piano钢琴的悦耳音调.fundamental tone 原音.harmonic tone 谐音.tone colour音色.tone quality音质.②声调,腔调,语气:a falling(rising) tone 降(升)调.the four tones(汉语)四声.③(只用sing.)风尚,风气,风格:the tone of a school校风.④(绘画或照像)色调,光度.⑤【乐】全音,全音程.⑥(身体或器官的)健康状态.


-vi.(颜色)调和,调谐:The colour of the furniture does not tone with the wall-paper.家具的颜色和壁纸不调和.

△tone down(使)缓和,(使)减轻,(使)协调:The excitement toned down.激昂的情绪逐渐平静下来了.Tone down the colours in that painting.把那幅画的颜色调柔和些.

The wind toned down.风缓和了.tone up加强,提高,变强,变高:tone it up with colour and life活灵活现.His system was toned up by the sea air.海洋气候使他身体健壮了.

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