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(The)famine in Samaria

书籍:圣经典故辞典 更新时间:2018-09-15 23:56:43

出处:按学科分类—哲学、宗教 复旦大学出版社《圣经典故辞典》第261页(1476字)



And it came to pass after this, that Ben-hadad king of Syria gathered all his host, and went up, and besieged Samatia.

And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass's head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove's dung for five pieces of silver.

And as the king of Israel was passing by upon the wall, there cried a woman unto him, saying. Help, my lord, O king.

And he said. If the Lord do not help thee, whence shall I help thee? out of the barnfloor, or out of the winepress?

And the king said unto her. What aileth thee?And she answered, This woman said unto me , Give thy son. that we may eat him today, and we will eat my son tomorrow.

So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son.

2 Kings 6:24-29







