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书籍:英汉金融新词库 更新时间:2018-09-14 00:43:07

出处:按学科分类—经济 上海科学技术文献出版社《英汉金融新词库》第222页(609字)




‖percent error百分(数)误差percent of circulation expenses流通费用率percent of discount taken销货折扣百分率percent of sales analysis销售百分率分析percent of sales method销货额百分数法percentage of utilization of fixed assets固定资产利用率percent per annurn年利率percent return of investment投资收益率percent return on investment投资收益百分率percentage n.百分比percentage balance sheet百分率资产负债表percentage of account receivable应收账款百分率percentage of profit利润率percentage of sales analysis销售百分率分析percentage of sales method销售百分比法pereentage of utilization of fixed assets固定资产利用率percentage of wear and tear折旧率

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