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书籍:英汉金融新词库 更新时间:2018-09-14 00:45:37

出处:按学科分类—经济 上海科学技术文献出版社《英汉金融新词库》第235页(2723字)




◇at a profit获利

‖profit ability收益能力profit account利润账户profit after taxation税后利润profit allowance利润扣除额profit and loss盈亏账profit and loss accounts损益账profit and loss adjustment损益调整profit and loss adjustment account损益调整账户profit and loss appropriation损益分配profit and loss appropriation account损益分配账户profit and loss control损益控制profit and loss for the previous period前期损益profit and loss ledger损益分类账profit and loss of securities and investment证券及投资损益profit and loss on appraisal估价损益profit and loss on buying and selling stock and bond买卖证券损益profit and loss on capital and interest本利盈亏profit and loss on exchange兑换损益profit and loss on investments投资损益profit and loss on realization account财产变现账户损益profit and loss on securities sold有价证券出售损益profit and loss report损益报表profit and loss statement损益表profit and loss summary损益总表profit and loss transaction损益交易profit as a transformed kind of surplus value作为剩余价值转化形式的利润profit audit利润审计profit before tax税前利润profit before tax税前利润profit brought forward前期结转利润profit commission纯益手续费profit commission statement纯益手续费账单profit contribution毛利profit delivery上缴利润profit drawing利润提成profit earned已获利润(益)profit earning capacity利润率profit economy利润经济profit for the term当期利润profit forecast利润预测profit from previous period上期净利润profit from revaluation of fixed assets固定资产重估利润profit fund利润基金profit graph利润表profit-making enterprise赢利企业profit margin毛利率,利润率profit margin on sales销售毛利润profit margin rate毛利率profit maximization利润极大化profit of current period本期利润profit of enterprise企业利润profit of the period本期收益profit of trade企业经营利润profit on capital资本利润profit on exchange汇兑利润profit on fixed assets出售固定资产收益profit on foreign exchange外汇兑换利益profit on foreign exchange transaction外汇交易收益profit on net worth ratio净资本赢利率profit on operation营业利润profit on redemption of securities有价证券偿还收益profit on sale of securities有价证券出售利润profit on sales销售利润profit on sales prior to acquisition合并前的销售收益profit on treasury stock处理库存股票收益profit per unit单位利润profit percentage利润率profit percentage of net output净值利润率profit prior to incorporation注册前利润profit rate of net worth净值利润率profit rate of total liability and net worth负债与净值总额利润率profit ratio利润率profit realized已实现的利润profit-sharing分红制,利润分成profit sharing bond分红债券,利润分配债券profit sharing bonus payable应付利润分红profit sharing securities分红证券profit statement利润表profit structure利润结构profit system利润制profit tax利润税profit tax return利税返还profit threshold利润率下限profits on paper虚构利益profitability n.赢利能力profitability guideline赢利程度指标profitability of operating unit analysis经营单位获利能力分析profitability of speculation投机获利能力profitable adj.有利可图的profitable field of investment有利的投资场所profitable type of assets可获利的资产类型profiteer n.投机商profitless adj.无利润的

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