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书籍:英汉金融新词库 更新时间:2018-09-14 00:51:10

出处:按学科分类—经济 上海科学技术文献出版社《英汉金融新词库》第266页(700字)



‖right issue有购股权的证券发行right of a buyer买方权利right of accumulation未分配收益权right of action债权right of beneficiaries受益人权力right of cancellation注销权right of claim求偿权right of coinage造币权right of credit债权right of demanding compensation索赔权right of note issue通货发行权right of offset抵消权right of ownership所有权right of preemption优先购买权right of priority优先权right of priority of creditors债权人优先权right of recourse追索权right of redemption赎买权right of rescission解约权right of the consignee承销权right offering股权出售right to leased property租赁资产使用权right to share assets资产分配权right to share profit盈余分配权right to transfer stock股份转让权rights issue增股rightful adj.公正的rightful notice正式通知

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