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书籍:英汉金融新词库 更新时间:2018-09-14 00:58:55

出处:按学科分类—经济 上海科学技术文献出版社《英汉金融新词库》第309页(1151字)




‖theory of asset valuation资产估价理论theory of assets holding资产持有论theory of assets valuation资产估价理论theory of auditing审计理论theory of balanced growth均衡增长论theory of capital formation资本形成论theory of capitalization资本化论theory of decreasing return收益递减理论theory of dumping倾销理论theory of economic growth经济增长论theory of economic integration经济一体化理论theory of economic policy经济政策理论theory of foreign exchange外汇理论theory of gold movement金货流动论theory of income determination收入(水平)决定论theory of income distribution收入分配论theory of increasing returns生产报酬递增论theory of interest利息论theory of interest rate parity利率平价说theory of international bank business国际银行业务理论theory of international indebtedness国际借贷说theory of money货币理论theory of pay支付论theory of price价格论theory of profit upon alienation利润让渡论theory of public expenditure公共支出论theory of public finance公共财政论theory of purchasing power parity购买力平价理论theory of reciprocity in debt and credit借贷互利说theory of risk风险论theory of sample auditing抽样审计理论theory of structural inflation机构性通货膨胀论theory of taxation赋税论theory of the balance of trade贸易差额论theory of wages工资学说theory of welfare福利论

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