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书籍:英汉会展新词库 更新时间:2018-09-12 00:24:03

出处:按学科分类—经济 上海科学技术文献出版社《英汉会展新词库》第124页(1467字)



头脑,才智,首脑 v.率领,领导,主管,加标题,出发

◇above one’s head同above the head of 使人难以理解,摸不着头脑 at the head of 在…的开头,在…顶端,居…首位,在…最前面 beat one’s head against a wall 白费劲 bother one’s head about(with)同bother oneself head about 为…费事,为…烦心 by the head and shoulders 勉强地 come to a head 时机成熟,已到严重关头 do sth.off the top of one’s head 临时应付 have a good head for 有…的才能 have a long head 有远见,精明 have one’s head in a tar barrel 陷入困境 have one’s head screwed the right way 有判断力 have sb.’s head in the clouds 想入非非,不实际 heads and ears 完完全全 head and shoulders above 大大胜过,远远超过 head and front 主要部分 head over heels 完全地,深深地,颠倒 head start 好的开端 head up 当心,小心,注意 head to head 交头接耳地 head up 走在前头,领头 into one’s head 记住,理解 over sb.’s head 使某人不能理解 put into one’s head 使想(记)起 with one’s head off 作最大的努力

‖bulk head 舱壁座 heading n.方向,方位,标题,项目,题词 headless adj.没有头脑的 header n.标题 headship n.领导者的身份(地位) head-chair n.有靠背的椅子 head dress n.头饰 head-end adj.初步的,起点的,预备的 head-in-the-sand adj.不承认事实的 headline n.标题(pl.)新闻广播的,摘要(v.)加标题,大肆宣传

◇hit the headline in同make the headlines in 成为头条新闻

head-long adj.& adv.匆匆,草率,轻率 headmaster n.校长 head-most adj.领头的,最前面的 head-note n.批注 head-office n.总局,总公司,总部 head-on adj.& adv.正面 head-pagen.扉页 head-phone n.耳机 headpiece n.头脑,才智,扉页,耳机 headquarter v.设总部(店)headquarters n.总部,总店 headreceiver n.耳机 headstrong adj.固执的 headway n.前进,进步,进展 headword n.中心词,标题字 headwork n.脑力劳动

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