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书籍:英汉会展新词库 更新时间:2018-09-12 00:36:58

出处:按学科分类—经济 上海科学技术文献出版社《英汉会展新词库》第210页(367字)




◇a means to an end 用以达到目的的方法 as a means of 作为…的工具,作为…的方法 by all means 务必,一定,必定 by fair means or foul 千方百计,不择手段 by means of sth.用…的方法(式),依靠 by no means 根本没有,远没有,并没有,决不 by no manner of maens 决不 by some means or other 用某种方法 by what means 怎样 take means 采取手段 try every means 想方设法,用尽各种办法 ways and means 财源

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