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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 03:44:48

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第4页(1000字)


prep.①在…周围,在…附近:the comrades about us我们周围的同志.He lives somewhere about here.他住在这儿附近的某处.②在…各处:walk about the town在城里走来走去.③在…身边(有):Have you a pen about you?你身边有钢笔吗?④在做(事):What are you about?你在做什么?Mind what you are about!注意!留心!And while you are about it,在你做那事的时候,顺便….⑤关于,对于:an article about the revolution in education一篇关于教育革命的文章.talk about sth.谈论某事.What’s your opinion about the plan?你对这计划有什么意见?How about going on foot?走着去怎么样?What about the suggestion?那个建议怎么样?⑥大约,左右:about my height大约我这么高.

-ad.①周围,四周:look about 环顾.②各处,到处:move sth.about 把…搬来搬去.Don’t leave your things about.不要到处乱放东西.③附近:stand somewhere about 站在附近某处. When the accident happened,I was not about.事故发生时,我不在附近.④大约,左右:at about seven o’clock在七点钟左右.We have walked about ten li.我们已走了大约十里路.⑤活动起来;流行:There is influenza about.流行性感冒流行.be out(or up)and about(病后)起来活动.⑥向反方向:about face(or about turn)!【军】向后转!△be about to(do)即将,就要:The meeting is about to start.会议就要开始.come about 发生.bring about 使发生.

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