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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:14:18

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第35页(2171字)


a.①所有的,一切,全体:We owe all our achievements to the wise leadership of Chairman Mao.我们的一切成就都是毛主席英明领导的结果.and all that及其它,等等.for(or with) all 尽管,虽然:For all his diseases,he persisted in working.尽管身患种种疾病,他仍坚持工作.②全…,整个(用于单数名词前):all China全中国.all day(long)整天.all night整夜.all the morning整个上午.all the time直.all the year round一年到头.all the way一路上.I′ll study Chairman Mao’s works all my life.我要一辈子读毛主席的书.③尽所有的,极好:with all speed尽快地.④任何:It is beyond all question.毫无问题.

-pron.& n.全部,全体,一切:We are all workers.我们都是工人.We all(or All of us)have Chairman Mao’s Writings.我们人人都有毛主席的着作.All are here.(点名)全到了.Is that all?完了吗?That’s all·完了,就这么多.That’s all I can tell you.我能告诉你的就是这些.If one is in need,all help.一人有事大家帮助.all in all1)全部地,从整个来说.2)一切,最重要的:Revolution is all in all to me.对我来说革命就是一切.at all 全然,究竟,既然:Is it worth doing at all?真的值得做吗?Do you know at all?你究竟知道不知道?If you do it at all,do it well.你既然做,就好好做.I don’t understand at all.我一点也不明白.Not at all(=You are welcome).别客气.for all I care与我无关.and all 及其他一切,等等.once(and)for all 只此一次,最后一次,永远.all in【口语】1)精疲力尽.2)总共.all and all 1)无上的,最重要的.2)全然,十分.one and all 全都,无论谁都.all together 1)同时.2)在一起.

-ad.完全,十分:all over the world全世界.That’s all wrong.全错了.He is dressed all inblue.他穿着一身蓝色的衣服.She is all excited.她非常激动.She is all smiles.她笑容满面.He is all attention.他非常专心.all alone独自.all along 1)沿途:There are houses all along the road.沿路都是房屋、2)【口语】始终,一直:The Albanian Party of Labour has all along held high the banner of MarxismLeninism.阿尔巴尼亚劳动党一贯高举克思列宁主义的旗帜.all at oncel)突然:All atonce he burst into laughter.他突然大笑起来.2)一齐,一下:Don’t eat them all at once,save some for later.别一下都吃掉,留点儿以后吃.all for【口语】非常赞成,急于得到.all the same依然:It is raining heavily,but he’ll go all the same.天下着大雨,他依然要去.all the same to对…来说都是一样,对…来说没什么关系:It’s all the same to me whether you go or stay.你去不去对我来说没什么关系.all one一回事,无关紧要.all out尽最大力量:go all out鼓足干劲.all over I)各处.2)完结,停止.all the better反而更好:It would be all the better if you do it yourself.你自己做更好.all the more更加,反而更:Well I know that there’s danger ahead,but I’m all the more set on driving forward.明知征途有艰险,越是艰险越向前.all there【口语】精明的,机敏的.all up(with sb.or sth.)全完了(无望、失败).

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