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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:22:07

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第89页(2280字)


n.①背,脊背,背后:He gave me a tap on the back.他在我的背上拍了一下.I carried the old grandma on my back to her house.我把老奶奶背回家去.I have a bad pain in the back.我的脊背很痛.I sat back to back with him.我和他背靠背地坐着.at the back of sb.(=at sb.’s back)支持某人:The Vietnamese people have the 700 million Chinese people at their backs.越南人民有七亿中国人民作他们的后盾.(do or say sth.)behind sb’s back 背着某人(做或说某事):We ought not to speak evil of others behind their backs.我们不应该背后说别人的坏话.be on one’s back1)病倒在床.2)钱财耗尽.break sb.’s back 使人破产,负担过重.put one’s back into sth.全力以赴.put(or get,set)sb.’s back up触怒某人,使发怒.see the back of sb.(or sth.)看着…离开,摆脱.turn one’s back on(sb.)回避,抛弃,不理睬.with one’s back to the wall处于困境,被迫自卫:With their backs to the wall the Black people in South Africa are putting up a valiant fight against their white oppressors.南非黑人被迫奋起同白人压迫者战斗.②背部,背面:the back of a knife刀背.the back of a chair椅背.the back of a hand手背.Don’t put the stamp on the back of the envelope.不要把邮票贴在信封的背面.③后面,里面:a room in the back of the house最里面的房间.trees at the back of the house房后的树.④(足球等)后卫:a right (left) back 右(左)后卫.a half back前卫.⑤【矿】巷道顶板.

△on the back of加之,此外.

一a.①背后的,后面的,【语音】舌后的:abackentrance后门.abackroom里屋.abackstage后台.abackvowel后元音.take abackseat坐下席,退居次要地位.②已往的,过期的,拖欠的:back pay欠薪.abacknumber 1)过期期刊.2)过时的方法.3)落后的人.③回流的,向后动的,逆的:a back current逆流,反向电流.take the back track回去,退去.a back talk还口,顶嘴.

-ad.①向后,退:Stand back,please.请往后站.We must in no way think that we may sit back and relax.我们绝不能认为可以高枕无忧了.back and forth来回,前后.go back upon(or from)one’s word违背(约定等),背弃:He is a reliable man and will never go back upon his word.他是个可靠的人,决不会说了不算数的.②返,归,复:come back回来.go back回去.on the way back在回来(去)的路上.Put the dictionary back on the shelf.把字典放回书架.Soon we would be back.我们一会就回来.We’ll never go back to the old way and suffer again as before.我们绝不走回头路,吃二遍苦.When can you send back the book you borrowed?你借的书什么时候还?

-vi.退后:back down退却,放弃:He refused to back down on this question.在这个问题上他不肯让步.

-vt.①退后:back a lorry打倒车.back a sail【海】转帆使船停进.back water倒划.②支持(up):Chairman Mao backs us up,we win honour for Chairman Mao.毛主席为我们撑腰,我们为毛主席争光.③裱上,作为衬里.④位于…的后面.

△back the wrong horse【美俚】估计错误,下错赌注.

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