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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:27:17

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第128页(828字)


(bound,bound)vt.①捆,绑,缚,【喻】联系在一起:bind sheaves of rice把稻一束束捆起来.bind sth.up in one parcel打成一包.be bound to a tree绑在树上.The struggle against the two superpowers binds the world people together.对两个超级大国的斗争把全世界人民紧密地联系在一起.②包扎(up):bind up a wound包扎伤口.③装订:bind a book装订书籍.a book bound in cloth布面精装本.bind up two books into one volume把两本书装订成一册.④镶边:bind the edge of sth.给某物镶边.bind the cuffs with cloth用包滚袖口边.⑤使冻结,使粘合;使便秘:bind stones together with cement用水泥粘合石头.an icebound river封冻的河.Coldness binds the soil.严寒使土地上冻.Some kinds of food bind the bowels.有些食物会引起便秘.⑥约束,担负义务:bind sb.to secrecy使某人保守秘密.bind oneself to do sth·保证(答应)做某事.

-vi.①绑,捆扎.②冻结,变硬,粘合:Clay binds when it is heated.粘土加热就变硬.③约束(on).④装订:The new impression is binding新版本正在装订.


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