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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:34:12

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第175页(1945字)


prep.①在…旁,靠近:stand by the window靠窗站着.a village by the river河边的村庄.north by east北偏东.We had a day by the sea.我们在滨海度过了一天.have sth.by one近在手边:It’s con venient to have a dictionary by you when you’re reading.当你在阅读的时候,手头有一本辞典是很方便的.②经,沿,穿过:a path by the lake沿湖的道路.by the nearest road走近路.They went to Korea by(way of)Shenyang.他们取道沈阳去朝鲜.He goes by the post office every morning.他每天早晨都经过邮局.③在…期间:attack the enemy by night夜袭敌人.Do you prefer travelling by night or by day?你愿意在白天还是在夜间旅行?④不迟于,截止,在…以前,等到…已经:by 1918截至一九一八年.He will come back by four o’clock.他最迟四点回来.We shall finish the work by Friday.我们将在星期五以前完成这项工作.By the time you get there it will be dark.当你到那儿的时候,天就该黑了.⑤(单位、标准)按(照);依照:sell cloth by the metre论米卖布.pay a labourer by the day按日付薪.by the dozen按打计算.judge by appearances从外表判断.recognize sb.by the voice根据声音认出某人.by Article 3 of the Treaty依据本条约第三款.It is six o’clock by my watch.我的表是六点.He is an actor by profession.他是职业演员.⑥(起因,主动者)由,受,被:a machine designed by workers工人设计的机器.a novel by Lu Hsun鲁迅(着)的小说.The trees were put on fire by lightning.树木因闪电而起火.⑦(方式、方法、手段)用,借,由于,通过:by this means用这个方法.by mistake由于差错.go by train乘火车去.travel by air(land,sea)空中(陆路、海上)旅行.send by post邮寄.inform by letter写信通知.What do you mean by that?你那样说(做)是什么意思?He took me by the hand.他拉着我的手.⑧(程度)相差:increase by 30%增加百分之三十.reduce by half减少一半.He is my senior(junior) by two years.他比我大(小)两岁.I missed the train by a minute.差一分钟我没赶上火车.⑨(连续)一…一,逐个:day by day一天一天.step by step一步一步,逐步.1ittle by little一点一点,渐渐.by degrees逐渐.⑩(关系)就…来说:brothers by blood亲兄弟.John by name名叫约翰.⑾对,向:do one’s duty by the Party对党尽责.do well by him待他好.⑿(倍数)乘:multiply(divide)6 by 2二乘(除)六.a room 8m.by 12m.一间宽八米长十二米的房间.⒀(发誓)当,凭.

-ad.①在旁边:sit by 坐在旁边.He lives close by.他住在附近.②经过:Time has gone by.时间过去了.He hurried by without a word.他匆匆走过去,没说一句话.③放在一边,收着:lay(or put) by 收起来,贮存.

△by oneself 1)独自.2)孤立.by and by 不久.by the by(e)(=by the way)顺便说说.

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