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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:34:31

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第180页(2557字)


vt.①喊,叫,唤:I heard somebody call you.我听见有人喊你.He called me out.他把我叫出去了.Please call me at 5 o’clock tomorrow morning.请你明天早晨五点钟叫(醒)我.②召唤,召来,叫来,召集:call an emergency meeting召集紧急会议.call the meeting to order【美】宣布开会.Call a doctor at once.上请医生来.The ambassador was called home.大使奉召回国.Call me a taxi,please.请给我叫辆出租汽车.My brother called me(up)from Shanghai.我哥哥从上海给我打了电话.③取名为…,称为,称呼,叫做:The parents called the baby Tom.父母给婴儿取名叫汤姆.What is this called in English?这个英语叫什么?④认为:Do you call English an easy language?你认为英语容易吗?We call that selfishness.我们认为那就是自私自利.

-ui.①喊,叫,呼唤:He came out at once when I called.我一叫他就出来了.I heard somebody calling outside.我听见有人在外面喊.The boy called to his mother for help.男孩喊他妈妈来帮忙.②访问:He had just come back when we called.我们去访问时他刚刚回来.Comrade Wang called this morning.王同志今天上午来过.③打电话.

△call at1)访问(某地):I called at your house yesterday.我昨天到你家看过你.2)在…停泊,到(某地):This train calls at every station.这班列车每站都仃.call back 1)召回,收回,撤回.2)回电话.call down 1)祈求.2)招惹.3)【美俚】骂,斥责.call for 1)要求,需要:This job calls for special care.这项工作需要特别细心.2)邀,来取:Call for me when you go to the station.你去车站时招呼我-下.The letter is to be kept till called for.这封信留着等本人来取.call forth 1)引起,引出:call forth applause博得喝彩.call forth criticism引起批评.2)唤起,鼓起(勇气等).call in 1)收,收回:call in loans收回借款.2)叫来,请来.call sth.in question对某事提出质问,宣称对某事怀疑.call off 1)叫开.2)【口语】下令仃止,决定取消:The basketball match was called off.篮球赛取消了.call on(or upon)1)访问,拜访(某人):The company commander called on the new fight ers.连长去看望新战士.2)邀请,请求:Master Ho was called on to speak at the meeting.何师傅被邀请在会上讲话.3)号召:The Party calls on us to study hard.党号召我们努力学习.call out 1)唤出,召集,号召(工人)罢工.2)挑动.3)出动(军队等):The firebrigade was called out twice last year.去年消防队出动两次.4)大声叫喊.call up l)打电话给…:Call me up when he comes back.他回来时打电话给我.2)使想起,使回忆起:The modern ballet The White-haired Girl called up the scenes of the landlords’ ruthless exploitation.现代舞剧《白毛女》使人想起地主的残酷剥削的情景.3)征召服役:He was called up for the army.他应征服兵役.4)叫醒.

-n.①呼声,叫声,鸣声:within call 能听到喊声的地方,在附近.②信息,信号,通(电)话:make a telephone call 打电话.a long-distance call 长途电话.a call number(无线电)呼叫号码.a distress call(无线电)危急呼叫,危急信号.③访问:make(or pay)a call 拜访,拜会.return a call 回访.place of call 常去的地方.port of call(沿途)仃靠港.④号召:actively answer(or respond to)the Party’s call 积极响应党的号召.⑤号召力,吸引力:a call of the wild荒野的呼唤,大自然的魅力.⑥要求:We have many calls on our time.我们有许多工作要花时间去做.⑦(常用于否定句或疑问句)必要:have no call for没有…的必要.There is no call for you to worry.你不必担心.

△money on call(=call-money)活期贷款(随要随还的贷款).

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