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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:36:09

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第194页(1229字)


(cast,cast)vt.①投,掷,抛,扔(除用于一些特殊词组外,通常用throw):cast seeds播种,撒种.cast a net撒网.cast anchor抛锚.cast a vote投票.cast a glance瞧一眼,一瞥.cast a(new)light on给…一线曙光,使明朗.cast a shadow投影.cast aside抛弃,淘汰.cast away抛弃,丢掉.cast a slur on sb.’s reputation损坏某人的名誉.cast a spell over sb.迷惑人.cast sth.in sb.’s teeth因某事责难某人.②脱去,掉下:Snakes cast their skins.蜕皮.③铸造,把(原版)浇成铅版,打纸型:cast a bronze statue铸铜像.cast steel铸钢.nodular graphite cast iron球墨铸铁.be cast in heroic mould性格英勇豪放.④加起来,计算:cast accounts算账,cast(up)a column of figures把一栏数字加起来.⑤【剧】(给演员)分配角色.

-vi.①投,掷,抛.②思索:cast beyond the moon胡乱推测.③计算.△cast about for寻找:The masses and the public security organs cast about tor fresh clues together.人民群众和公安部门一起寻找新线索.cast down 1)投落,打倒.2)使(人)气馁,使意气沮丧(常用被动式):Don’t be cast down by that news.不要听到那个消息就垂头丧气.cast in one’s lot with与…共命运.cast off 1)解缆开船.2)抛弃,摆脱:cast off the chains(or shackles)of colonialism摆脱殖民主义的枷锁.3)(编织)收针.cast on(编织)起针.cast·er n.投者,铸工.

-n.①一掷,一举:try another cast 再试一试.stake everything on a single cast of the dice孤注一掷.②造型,铸件,模子.③演员表:choose the cast 挑选演员the old cast 旧班底.supporting cast 陪衬.④矿:an open cast 露天矿.⑤特色,类型,品格:a person of noble cast 品格高尚的人.⑥斜视:a cast in the eye轻微的斜视.

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