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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:41:52

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第236页(4596字)


(came,come)vi.①来,到来:Come here!到这里来!He will come to see you tomorrow.他明天来看你.Will you come with me to Talien?你愿意和我一道去大连吗?The children came running to meet us.孩子们跑来迎接我们.The busy farming season has come.农忙季节来到了.in the days to come 在未来的日子里.books to come 即将出版的书。 come along (or on)(用于祈使句)快点.②发生,由…引起(of):Whatever comes to me,I will place the Party’s interests first.无论发生什么事,我都要把党的利益放在第一位.How comes(=happens)it that you know him?你怎么认识他的?That’s what comes of being careless.这就是由于粗心大意所引起的结果.③来自.出身(of,from):There are five comrades in our class who come from Talien.我们班有五个大连人.He comes from(or of) a hiredhand peasant family.他出身于雇农家庭.④出来,出现:A good idea came to my mind.我想出一个好主意.The wheat began to come.小麦发芽了.On what page does it come?在哪一页?⑤变得,成为:The handle has come loose.把手松了.Your shoe laces have come undone.你的鞋带开了.Everything will come all right·一切都会好的.The enemy’s dream will never come true.敌人的梦想永远不会实现.⑥变得…起来,终于…(接不定式):I have come to like it.我对它开始喜欢起来了.How did you come to be so foolish?你怎么糊涂起来了呢?He came to see that he was mistaken.他终于认识到自己错了.⑦装作,冒充…样子:come the swell(or great man)装阔气,装作了不起的样子.⑧(用于祈使句,表示命令、鼓励、不耐烦或指责)好啦!嗐!唉唉,喂:Come,tell me all about it.喂!全告诉我吧!Come,come,you shouldn’t speak like that.得啦,得啦,你不应该这么说.

△come about发生:It came about in this way.事情就是这样发生的.come across 1)(偶然)碰见,发现:I came across him in Anshan.我在鞍山遇到了他.2)穿过,通过:come across the street过横道.come across the mind浮上心来,忽然想到.3)【俚】还债;同意告诉所知道的事.come after继,跟随,追踪.come at 1)达到,求得:Perfection is difficult to come at.难于达到尽善尽美.2)向…扑来,袭击.come away离开,脱掉.come back 1)回来.2).想起来.3)复原.4)【俚】回嘴.come before 1)被提出,被交付(审议).2)优于.come between 1)跑进当中.2)离间.come by 1)从旁而过.Did you see anyone come by?你看见谁过去了吗?2)弄到,获得:How did you come by this book?这本书你怎么弄到的? come down 1)落下来,(物价等)下降.2)破落.3)流传下来.4)【口语】接济.come down on(or upon)1)突袭.2)申斥,责备.3)强要,勒索(钱财等).come forth 1)出来,出现.2)提出,公布.come forward 1)自告奋勇:He came forward to give us help.他自告奋勇帮助我们.2)提名候选,出来竞选.come home to被认识到:The importance of this matter will come home to him at last.最后他会认识到这个问题的重要性.come in 1)进来:Ask him to come in.请他进来.2)(海水)涨潮.3)(类、水果等)上市.4)当选,就任,当权.5)流行起来,盛行.6)(比赛)得第…名.7)收入.come in for领取,获得(份儿).come in handy(or useful)有用,用得着:Don’t throw it away;it may come in handy one day.别把它扔掉,将来会用得着.come into 1)入,进入:come into the world出生,出世.come into effect生效.come into existence成立.come into force实施,生效.come into leaf长叶.come into line同意.come into operation生效,开工.come into power当权.come into sight出现,被看见.come into use被采用.2)继承:come into a fortune继承财产.come off 1)(人)离开,(把柄等)脱开,(牙齿、头发等)脱落,掉下,(钮扣)掉下,(油漆)剥落:come off a bicycle从自行车上摔下来.The colour came off in the wash.(衣服)洗褪色了.2)发生,举行:Our sports meet will come off next week.我们下周开运动会.3)(计划等)实现,成功:The experiment has come off.实验成功了.come off well(badly)成功,顺利(失败,不顺利).come on 1)跟,跟随:You go first;I’ll come on later.你先走,我随后就来.2)进展.3)(季节、夜、雨、病等)来临,开始,发作:Night came on.夜幕降临了.It came on to rain.下起雨来了.4)(表示鼓励、挑战):Come on,I’ll lead the way!来,我给你们带路.5)(问题等)提交讨论.6)(演员)出场,(剧目)上演:The film Lenin in 1918 is coming on again next week.电影《列宁在一九一八》将于下周再次上演.come out 1)出来:come out to the day从井下来到地面.come out oneself亲自出.come out into the open赤膊上阵,公开暴露.2)出版.3)罢工.4)(像片等)显现,露出:You have come out well in that photograph.你那张照片照得很好.5)(污点)弄掉,(颜色)褪色.6)(问题)解决,解(方程).7)(考试)得第…名:come out in front名列前茅.come out of从…出来,…结果是:Well,what came out of yourdiscussion yesterday?你们昨天的讨论结果如何? come out with说出,讲出:He came out with a revolutionary story.他讲了一个革命故事.come over 1)从远方来,渡来,传来.2)改变观点,投奔过来:come over to our side投向我方.3)(感情、影响等)控制,支配:A fit of dizziness came over her.她感到一阵头晕.come round 1)绕道而行,环行:come round the Cape of Good Hope绕过好望角.2)恢复精神,复元,苏醒.3)来访.4)轮到,回到:The New Year’s Day will soon come round.新年又要到了.5)哄骗:You can’t come round me with such yarns.你别想用这种谎话哄骗我.6)让步,服从:He came round to our view.他同意了我们的意见.7)息怒,消气.come through 1)经历.2)经过…而仍然活着.come to 1)总计,等于,归结为:come to naught落空了.Your travelling expenses come to 15 yuan.你的旅费共计是十五元.2)苏醒.come to pass发生.come to a stop中断,停止:The train came to a stop.火车停下来了.come to life振作起来,活跃起来.come to light水落石出.come to no good搞不好,弄不好,结果不幸,没有好结果.come to oneself(or one’s senses)苏醒过来,恢复正常.come to the fore涌现:Countless heroes are constantly coming to the fore.英雄辈出.come to the point恰当,得要领.come to this(or that)如上所述,意思就是.come to much(little,nothing)成功,有份量(失败、落空等):All his plans came to nothing.他的计划全落空了.come under 1)归入,编入.2)受(影响等).come up 1)芽出土,冒头.2)被提出.3)流行起来.come up against碰到(困难等).come up to达到,不负(期望等),合乎(标准):His work came up to what the comrades expected of him.他的工作符合同志们对他的期望.come up with赶上.come upon 1)偶然碰见.2)成负担.3)突袭:They came upon the enemy unawares.他们乘敌人不备,予以攻击.4)要求:come upon sb.for support要求别人支持.

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