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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:42:43

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第244页(817字)



①陪伴,一起:I am very glad of your company on the journey.一路有你作伴我很高兴.We request the honour of your company.欢迎你参加(敬请光临).for company 陪着:I will go with you as far as the station for company.我一直陪你到火车站.keep(or bear)sb.company 陪伴某人:I’ll stay here to keep you company.我留下跟你作伴.in company(with)(和…)一道:Who will go in company with him?谁和他一道去?be good(bad) company 人缘好(坏),好(不好)相处.part company(with sb.)(与某人)分手,离开.②朋友,伙伴:Don’t keep(or get into)bad company.不要交坏朋友.③一群人,一行,同伙,(演员等)班子:a company of students一群学生.a company of ballet-dancers巴蕾舞团,全体巴蕾舞演员.the ship’s company 全体船员.…and company 某某及其同伙.④【口语】宾客,客人:have(a) company 有客人.receive a great deal of company 会见大批客人.company manners客套,寒喧.⑤公司,商号:the Capital Iron and Steel Company 首都钢铁公司.a limited company 有限公司(【略】Co.Ltd.).⑥【军】连,连队:a company commander连长.

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