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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:49:21

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第285页(1195字)


n.①进行,过程,经过:the fighting course 战斗的历程.in the course of在…期间:Constantly sum up experience in the course of practice.要在实践中不断总结经验.in course of在…过程中:The farm tool plant is in course of construction.农具厂正在修建中.in(the) course of time终于,最后,总有一天.in the course of nature(=in the ordinary course of things)按事情的常理.in due course 在适当的时候,按自然顺序.②方向,方针,航线,路线:The map shows the courses of the chief rivers.地图标明了主要河流的走向.TheYellow River takes its course to the east.黄河向东流.The ship is now on her right course.船未偏离航线.Advance victoriously along the course charted by Chairman Mao!沿着毛主席指引的航向胜利前进!run(or take)its(their,etc.) course 听其自然发展,达到自然结果.amatter of course 理所当然的事:I’llsee you off as a matter of course.我当然要送你.of course 当然,自然:Do you know him?——Of course,I do.你认识他吗?——当然认识.③一系列:a course of treatments一个疗程.④教程,课程,科目:take short courses in medical treatment参加医疗短训班学习.a required(selective) course 必(选)修课.the training courses练兵项目.cultural course 文化课.the literary(science) course 文(理)科.⑤一道菜:a dinner of four courses(西餐)一顿四道菜的饭.⑥跑道,高尔夫球场.⑦矿脉.⑧【建】一层(砖等).


-vi.①用猎犬追猎.②运行,(液体)流动,(眼泪)淌下:The blood courses through the veins.血液在血管里流动.

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