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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:50:57

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第297页(933字)


n.①人群:a large crowd 一大群人.get through a crowd 从人群中穿过.There were crowds o people on the square.广场上有许多人群. in crowds成群:Visitors in crowds came to see our new products.参观者成群地来看我们的新产品.(would)pass in a crowd 还算可以,过得去.②(the crowd)群众,大众:The crowd thronged the streets.人们群集于街上.follow(or go with)the crowd 随大流.③【口语】一帮,一伙:he and his crowd 他和他的同伙.④一堆,一批:a crowd of flies一群苍蝇.a crowd of books一堆书.

-vi.①群集,成群:The educated young people crowded round the old poor peasant to ask him to tell the story of the village.知识青年把老贫农团团围住,请他讲一讲村史.②拥挤,拥进:crowd into a bus挤入汽车.crowd through a gate挤过大门.Memories crowded in my mind.许多往事涌上了我的心头.

-vt.①使挤满:The industrial exhibition was crowded with visitors.工业展览馆内挤满了观众.The streets are crowded with traffic.街上车辆来往频繁.crowd sb.(or sth.)out把…挤出,把…排除.②塞满,装满:crowd a garage with cars车库里满是车.

△crowd on sail扬起超过平时数目的帆.

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