更新时间:2018-09-12 04:57:48
出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第344页(595字)
n.①魔鬼:the devil 魔王,撒旦.between the devil and the deep sea进退两难.go to the devil 1)完蛋.2)滚蛋.give the devil his due 1)对坏人(或不友好的人)也要按原则对待.2)平心而论.play the devil with糟塌….devil take the hindmost落在后面就要倒霉.There will be the devil to pay.要出祸事了.Talk of the devil and you will hear the flutter of his wings.【谚】说鬼鬼到,说人人到.②不幸的人:poor devil 可怜的家伙.③印刷厂的学徒(=printer’s devil).④【美】切碎机.
△the devil 1)见鬼,糟了.2)究竟:Who the devil is he?他究竟是谁?