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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:03:09

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第375页(1340字)


a.①双倍的,两倍的:do double work做双份工作.The grain output of the production brigade is now double what it was last year.这个大队的粮食产量比去年翻一翻.Double(time)march!(口令)跑步走!②双的,双重的,复式的:double doors双道门.double shift两班轮换.a railway with a double track双轨铁路.a double boiler蒸锅.double crops of rice双季稻.③两用的:a double shovel两用锹.④双人用的:a doublebed双人床.⑤两重性的,两面性的:double dealing两面派手法.a double meaning双重意义.⑥【植】重瓣的:a double flower重瓣花.⑦折叠的.

-ad.双双地,双倍地:take double the time花费两倍时间.at double the speed用加倍速度.double as dear贵一倍.play double 两面倒.see double 眼花.

-n.①倍,两倍:Ten is the double of five.十是五的两倍.②相似物,跟(某人)一模一样的人,替身,配音演员,后备演员.③【军】跑步:advance at the double 跑步前进.④【印】复印.⑤折,折叠.⑥(pl.)(乒乓球等)双打:mixed doubles男女混合双打.women’s doubles女子双打.⑦掉头,脱逃,欺瞒,诡计:put the double on sb用计欺人.

-vi.①加倍,倍增,翻翻:Hercourage double d.她勇气倍增.②掉头逃走,急忙退回,急转:double upon one’s steps折回原来路上跑.③(口令)跑步走!

-vt.①加倍,翻翻:The plant doubled its production without increasing equipment or work force.这个工厂在不增加设备和劳动力的情况下使产量翻了翻.②叠一叠,折一折:double a quilt叠被.double one’s fists握拳头.double over折起(书页).③扮演两个角色:double the parts of a worker and a soldier扮演工人和士兵两个角色.④【海】绕着(岬角)航行.

△double back 1)折叠.2)掉头飞跑.double up 1)折起:double up the clothes折起衣服.2)(使)(痛得)弯腰:He doubled up with pain.他痛得直不起腰来.

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