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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:06:45

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第402页(875字)


a.①两者中任何一个的:Either one will suit me.两者中随便哪个都行.It can be done in either way.这个方法可行,那个也可行.(注意:either 也可用以指两个以上中的一个:either one of the five spades.)②各,两,均:There are paddy-fields on either side of the river.河两岸均有稻田.

-pron.①两者之一,其中之一,任何一方:Either is good.哪个都好.Take either you like.这两个你欢喜哪个,就拿哪个.There are three examples and either of them will illustrate it有三个例子,任何一个都能说明这一点.②两个,每个:without neglecting either 两不误.I donot think either of them is at home.我想他俩都不在家.

-conj.(与or连用)或…或…,是…还是…,不是…就是…:Write it out either this afternoon or tomorrow morning.今天下午或明天早晨把它誊写出来.Either you do the work or I.不是你做这工作,就是我做这工作.Either you or I am to come.你不来,我就要来.

-ad.(与否定词连用)也(不):They are the best available and are not expensive either.它们都是最适用的,而且也不贵.If you do not go,I shall not either.你不去,我也不去.

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