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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:08:14

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第413页(1967字)


n.①末端,边缘部分:the house at the end of the street在街头上的房子.the end carriage末节车箱.the east end of a town东城区.get(or have)hold of the wrong end of the stick完全误解.begin(or start)at the wrong end 开始就错.keep one’s end up在困难面前保持乐观和战斗的精神.dt a loose end(=at loose ends)无所事事.on end 1)竖着,直立:place the box on end 把箱子立起来.make sb.’s hair stand on end 使某人毛发悚然.2)不停地,继续:eight hours on end 连续八小时.end on头(或尾)正对着.The two ships collided end on.两只船首(或尾)相撞.end to end 衔接着,连绵不断地.make both ends meet使收支相抵.②残屑,残余:cigarette ends烟头.a rope’s end 绳头.odds and ends残片,零碎杂物.③终点,尽头,结局,结果:reach the end of one’s forbearance忍无可忍.fight to the end for victory in the revolution为革命胜利而斗争到底.The capture of political power by the proletariat is not the end but the beginning of the socialist revolution.无产阶级夺取政权不是社会主义革命的结束而是开始.at the end of the month(year,term)月(年、学期)末.at the end of a month(year)一月(年)之末.in the end 结局.without end 无尽的,无休止的.no end(of)无限的,数不尽的:After conquering no end of difficulties,we succeeded at last.克服了无数困难,我们终于成功了. to the bitter end 海枯石烂,至死不渝.come to an end(=be at an end)完结:Anti-China scoundrels will come to no good end.反华的恶棍绝没有好下场.draw to an end 即将结束.put an end to sth.(=make an end of sth.)使结束,使停止:put an end to bourgeois abuses扫除一切资产阶级的恶习.④死亡,毁灭:Imperialism is nearing its end.帝国主义接近死亡.⑤目的,目标:The end and aim of our struggle is to create a new world without exploitation of man by man.我们的斗争目标就是建立一个没有人剥削人的新世界. gain(or win,achieve)one’s end 达到目的.have some end in view有企图.to the end that为要,以便.to no end 徒劳无益.with this end in view抱着这种目的.

-vi.①(事情)终,止,完毕,结局:The Long March ended with victory.长征胜利地结束了.In a socialist society the class struggle in ideological and political sphere will not end.在社会主义社会,政治思想领域的阶级斗争决不会停止.This history begins with…and ends with….这部历史始于…终于….end in以…为结果:Modern revisionism will end in failure!现代修正主义必败!②竖立.

-vt.①死,杀,毁灭:end one’s own life自杀.②完毕,了结:We ended our task with success.我们胜利地完成了任务.

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