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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:15:55

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第459页(471字)



①家庭:a family history家史.in a family way如一家人.in the family way(粗俗语)怀孕.family planning计划生育.a family man恋家的人;有家室的人.My family are early risers.我全家都是早起的人.My family was very poor before liberation.解放前我家很穷苦.Soldiers and people are one family.军民是一家.②(集合名词)子女:He has a large family.他儿女多.Tom is the eldest of the family.汤姆是家里最大的孩子.③门第,名门.④家族,宗族,氏族:a family name姓氏.a family tree家谱,宗谱.⑤人种,种族,民族.⑥(分类上的)系,族,属:languages of the Latin family 拉丁语系的语言.

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