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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:16:02

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第460页(1150字)


n.①想象,想象力:He has a lively fancy.他有生动的想象力.②空想,幻想,幻觉:the fancies of a poet人的幻想.have a fancy that觉得….It is a mere fancy to think that imperialism will change its nature.认为帝国主义会改变本性只不过是幻想.in a flight of fancy 想入非非.③爱好,一时的兴致:I have a fancy for swimming this afternoon.今天下午我想去游泳.How does this strike your fancy?你对这感兴趣吗?take a fancy to喜欢,爱好.take(or catch)the fancy of引起…的兴趣.a passing fancy 一时的爱好.④(the fancy)爱好者:the pigeon fancy 爱养鸽的人.

-a.①装饰的,花色的:fancy skating花样滑冰.fancy needlework刺绣.fancy goods好看的小玩意.a fancy-dress ball化装跳舞会.②空想的,想象的:a fancy picture想象画.③过高的,无节制的:a fancy price高价.④【美】(货物等)特选的,优级的:fancy fruits and vegetables特等水果和蔬菜.⑤品种珍奇的(动物、花草等).

-vt.①想象,设想,幻想:I fancied him as a pilot.我想象他是个飞行员.I can’t fancy him(or his)doing such a thing.我真想不到他居然做出这样的事.He fancied that he was sailing on the sea.他想象自己在海上航行.②以为:Don’t fancy that you can succeed without hard work.不要以为不经过艰苦的劳动就能成功.fancy oneself自负:fancy oneself(to be)clever自以为聪明.He fancies himself as an orator.他自以为是个雄辩家.③爱好,喜欢:Don’t you fancy anything?(问病人等)你想吃什么?④(表示惊讶、感叹):Fancy that!真想不到!Just fancy how we felt!想想我们当时的感觉吧!

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