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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:21:14

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第499页(2525字)


prep.①(表示方向)向…,到…去:the train for Peking开往北京的火车.passengers for Hanoi去河内的乘客.leave(sail) for Viet Nam动身(坐船)到越南去.The ship was making for the open sea.这只船正向大海驶去.②(表示目的、志向、愿望):go for a walk散步.struggle for liberation为解放而斗争.The boy is intended for a carpenter.想让这男孩当木匠.How I wish for an opportunity to go to Peking!我多么希望有机会到北京去!What for?为了什么?What’s the machine for?这机器做什么用?③(表示请求、期待):He begged for your help.他请求你帮助.When may we hope for your return?我们能指望你什么时候回来?④为,给:What can I do for you?我能帮你什么忙吗?Here’s a letter for you.有你一封信.⑤(表示准备):prepare for an examination准备考试.lay in stores for the winter贮物过冬.They got ready for departure他们做好了出发的准备.⑥(表示爱好、才能、观感):a taste for art爱好艺术.I have a high regard for your opinion.我非常重视你的意见.He has a talent for painting.他有绘画的才能.⑦(表示适合、宜于):be good for the health有益于健康.be fit for the post适于这个职务.The hat is too big for him.这顶帽子他戴太大.The seat is good enough for me.这位子对我来说够好的了.⑧关于,对于,就…而言:It is very warm for a winter day.就冬天来说,这样的天气算暖和的了.He is tall for his age.从年龄来看,他的个子是高的.⑨(表示拥护、赞成):I’m for the proposal.我赞成这个建议.Some vote for Comrade Li;others,against him.有些人赞成李同志,有些人反对.⑩(表示交换、代替):a substitute for milk powder奶粉代用品.act for sb.代替某人.He bought a book for one yuan.他用一元钱买了一本书.stand for 代替:The lettersP.L.A.stand for the People’s Liberation Army.字母P.L.A.代表the People’s Liberation Army.⑾(表示符合):eye for eye, tooth for tooth以眼还眼,以牙还牙.Don’t translate word for word不要逐字翻译(直译).⑿(表示当作、作为):We chose him for our group leader.我们选他当组长.take sb.or sth.for 误认为:To hear him speak English.one would take him for an Englishman.听他说英语,别人会认为他是英国人.⒀(表示理由、原因):for this reason为了这个缘故.dance for joy欣然起舞.The mother gets angry with the child for its doing such a thing.母亲因孩子做了这样的事而生气.The West Lake is noted for its scenery.西湖因风景而着名.My shoes are the worse for wear.我的鞋子穿坏了.⒁虽然,尽管:For all the difficulties.they finished it in time.尽管困难很多,他们还是按时完成了.It is true for all that.虽然如此,毕竟是真的.⒂(表示时间、距离):I have been here for three days.我到这儿三天了.It is getting on for four o’clock.快到四点了.The meeting was arranged for two o’clock.会议安排在两点开始.We travelled for ten miles.我们走了十哩.⒃(表示程度、范围):They drew on the cashier for 100 yuan.他们向出纳员支了一百元.They were all out for 20.他们二十人全出来了.⒄(用于 for +名词或代词+不定式的句型中):It is wrong for you to do so.你这样做是错误的.For me to go is impossible.我去是不可能的.It is time for you to start.你该动身了.I wrote for him to come.我写信要他来.

-conj.(口语不常用)因为,由于:I asked him to stay to tea,for I had something to consult with him.由于有事与他商量,我留他吃茶.It is going to rain,for the barometer is falling.要下雨了,因为睛雨计在下降.

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