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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:21:50

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第505页(1597字)


n.①形式,形状,外貌:form and content形式和内容.“Left” in form but Right in essence形“左”实右.in(or under)various forms用种种形式.take the form of采取…形式.The armed struggle was the chief form in the Chinese revolution.武装斗争是中国革命的主要形式.②形象,影子:A dark form could be seen in the distance.在远处可以看到一·个黑影.He has a well-proportioned form.他身材匀称.③形态,类型,体裁:literary form 文学体裁.Ice, snow and steam are forms of water.冰、雪、蒸气是水的形态.④结构,组织:the form of government政体.⑤【语法】形式:the active(passive) form 主动(被动)式.the past tense form 过去式.in plural form 用复数形式.⑥礼貌,体统:do sth.for form’s sake为了礼貌而作某事.It is bad(good) form to do so.这样做是失(有)礼貌的.⑦礼节,仪式:pay too much attention to forms过分注意礼节.⑧表格,表格纸:telegraph forms电报用纸.an order(a tax) form 定单(税单).fill in a form of application填写申请书.⑨(竞技者)情况,竞技状态:be in good form 竞技状态良好.be out of form 竞技状态不佳.⑩情绪,兴致:be in great form 兴高采烈.⑾长条凳.⑿(英国中学)年级,级:the first form 一年级.the sixth form 六年级.

-vt.①形成,构成:form sentences造句.What forms the basis of this compound?这种化合物的主要成分是什么?The people of China and Korea have formed a profound militant friendship.中朝两国人民结下了深厚的战斗友谊.form upon仿照:This boat has been formed upon a modern design.这只船是按最新设计制造的.②组成,建立:form a united front to oppose U.S.imperialism建立反美统一战线.form a new cabinet组成新内阁.They formed themselves into a committee.他们组成一个委员会.③养成,锻炼:form good habits养成好习惯.④想出,得出:form a good idea想出一个好主意.form a conclusion得出结论.⑤排成(队形):form a regiment into columns命令全团排成纵队.form fours排成四路纵队.

-vi.①产生,形成:The idea formed in his mind.他产生了这种想法.Ice forms at the temperature of 0℃·在摄氏零度结冰.②排队:form into line排成行.form on在…后面排成队.

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