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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:24:36

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第532页(5895字)


(got,got or gotten.,getting)vt.①获得,买到,赚得,取得,捉住:get a living谋生.get a glimpse of暼见.get hold of抓住.get a lesson from one’s failure 从失败中得到教训.Where did you get the pictorial?你从哪儿弄到这本画报?I got a letter from Shanghai.我收到一封从上海来的信.This room gets verylittle sunshine.这房间阳光很不充足.If we add 3 to 7,we get 10.三加七等于十.The boy got the cat.小孩捉住了.Nothing venture,nothing get.【谚】不入穴,焉得虎子.②受到,蒙受,得(病),受罚,被判刑:get a scolding挨一顿骂.get cold受凉.get the measles得麻疹.get three months被判刑三个月.U.S.imperialism got a heavy blow.美帝受到沉重打击.get the sack【口语】被解雇.③学得,懂得:Get it by heart.把它背熟.I don’t get you(=I don’t get your meaning).我不懂你的意思.④【口语】吃:Go and get your breakfast去吃早饭.⑤(get +间接宾语+直接宾语)弄来,拿来,搞到:Get me an axe(=Get an axe for me).给我拿把斧子来.Get him a cup of water.给他倒杯水来.Will you get us some paper?给我们弄些纸来好吗?⑥(get +宾语+形容词、过去分词或副词)使得,弄得:We’ve got everything ready.我们把一切都准备好了.Take care not to get your feet wet.小心不要把脚弄湿了.He got his hand hurt.他把手弄伤了.I must get my bike repaired.我得把自行车拿去修理好.Get him away.把他弄走.We couldn’t get the table in through the door.我们无法把桌子抬进门去.⑦(get +宾语+不定式)使,让,说服,劝:Try and get him to come here.想办法让他到这儿来.Get somebody to revise the plan.找人把计划修改一下.I got him to change his attitude.我使他改变了态度.⑧难住:This problem got him.这个问题把他难住了.⑨(用于完成式)1)【口语】有:Have you got a pen with you?你身上带钢笔了吗?I’ve got two copies of Manifesto of the Communist Party.我有两本《共产党宣言》.2)必须(to do):We’ve got to finish it today.我们必须今天做完.She has got to stay here until tomorrow.她得在这儿一直呆到明天.

-vi.①到,到达,来,去:get out of a car下车.get into bed上床.He got home in safety.他平安到家.When did you get here?你什么时候到这儿的?They will get to Pe king tomorrow morning.他们明天早晨到北京.We got as far as the reservoir.我们一直走到水库.The room was so crowded that we couldn’t get in.房间很挤,我们进不去.②(作联系动词)变得,变得…起来:get angry生气.get ill生病.get well病好了.get ready准备好.get excited激动起来.get acquainted with sb.与某人相识.get married结婚.It is getting dark.天渐渐黑了.The present world situation is getting more and more favourable to the revolutionary people.当前世界形势对革命人民越来越有利.③(加过去分词,构成被动式)被,受:get hurt受伤.get burnt被烧伤.get drowned被淹死.get shot被枪打死.get beaten被打败.get plucked落榜,未录取.get shaved刮胡子.④(接不定式)变得,逐渐:How did you get to know him?你怎么和他认识的?We soon got to be friends.我们很快就成了朋友.⑤(接现在分词)…起来,开始:We got talking about the world situation.我们谈起国际形势来.

△get about 1)各处走,走动,往来:He gets about a great deal.他经常到处走.2)传播:The news soon got about.消息很快就传开了.get above oneself自以为了不起.get abroad传播.get across横过,穿过:A bridge is built over the river for people to get across.河上修了一座桥,好让人们过河.We have to get the ammunition across(the river). 我们必须把军火运过(河)去.get ahead前进.get ahead of赶过,胜过:We shall soon get ahead of them.我们不久就会赶过他们.get along 1)进展,进步:How are you getting along with your work?你们工作进行得怎样?2)生活:How are you getting along?你生活过得怎么样?3)和好相处:They are getting along very well with the commune members.他们和社员们相处得很好.4)(祈使句)离开,走开:Get along with you!走开! get around 1)到处走.2)交际广.3)传播.4)胜过,占上风.5)哄骗:His fine words couldn’t get us around.他的甜言蜜语哄骗不了我们.get at 1)接近,达到:The books are locked up and we can’t get at them.书都被锁起来了,我们拿不到.2)专心于(工作等).3)发现,想出,抓住,掌握:get at the truth发现事实真相.I can’t get at the meaning of the word.我抓不住这个词的意思.4)【口语】贿赂.get away走开,离开,逃脱.get away with【俚】干了…(或拿走…)而避开了惩罚:get away with it侥幸成功,免于处分.The thief got away with all the money of Jackson’s.小偷把杰克逊的钱全偷走了.get back 1)回来,回去.2)收回,取回.3)【美俚】报复(at).get by 1)走过,通过:It was so crowded that I couldn’t get by.很挤,我走不过去.2)【口语】混过去:You can’t get by without a ticket.没有票,你混不过去.get down 1)下来(去):get down from a horse下.2)咽下,吞下.3)记下.get down to认真对待,好好开始:get down to one’s work认真开始工作.Let’s get down to discussion.让我们好好讨论一下.get going【美俚】开始,动手,采取行动.get home 1)到家.2)中肯.get home on(sb.)打败(某人),打中(某人)要害.get in 1)进入,加入.2)到达:The train will soon get in.火车很快就到.3)当选.4)收(庄稼),收(捐税、债款等).get in the way防碍,阻碍.get into 1)进入.2)穿上.3)陷入:get into a mess陷入纠纷.get into a rage发怒.get into debt债台高筑.get into bad habits沾染坏习惯.get into trouble陷入困境.4)习惯于,熟悉:get into the way of doing sth.熟悉某事的做法.get it into one’s head领会,认识到:I can’t get the implication of the sentence into my head.我不能领会句子的含意.I got it into my head that it was impossible我认识到,那是不可能的.get in touch with与…取得联系.get it【口语】1)领会,理解.2)受处罚,受责骂.get leave被准假:I got two weeks’leave.我请了两周假.get off 1)下(车):I’m getting off(the train)at the next station.我在下一站下车.2)走开,离开.3)起飞,出发.4)逃脱惩罚,免遭不幸、损失等.5)【口语】和(异性)结识(with).6)说(笑话).get off to sleep入睡.get on 1)上(车、马等).2)穿(戴)上.3)前进,进步:get on in years上年纪.Time is getting on.时间在前进.He is getting on nicely with his English.他的英语很有进步.4)生活,过日子:How are you getting on?你生活过得怎样?5)和睦相处,相投:Our brigade leader is easy to get on with.我们的生产大队长很容易接近.6)(进行时态)接近(for):He is getting on for 70.他快七十岁了.get one’s hand in干预.get one’s(own)way随心所欲.get on one’s feet站起来.get on sb’.s nerves使人心烦:The noise goton my nerves.吵闹声使我心烦 get on the air开始播音.get on to【口语】识破.get out 1)出去,出来.2)(秘密等)传出,公开.3)拿出,说出:Finally he got out a few words of thanks.最后,他说出了几句感谢的话.4)公布,出版.get out of 1)从…出来:get out of bed起床.2)逃脱,逃避,摆脱:get out of a bad habit摆脱恶习.Don’t try to get out of your duties.不要逃避职责.3)使说出,问出:The enemy got nothing out of him.敌人从他口里什么也没问出来.get over 1)越过:get over a wall越墙.2)克服(困难等):For a long time he couldn’t get over his anger.他的怒气久久不能平息.3)淡忘(烦恼、伤心事).4)(从疾病、损失等)恢复过来:He soon got over his illness.他的病很快就好了.5)完成:We got over the distance in ten minutes.我们用十分钟走完了那段路程.get round 1)回避,逃避.2)说服:Obstinate as he was,we got him round at last.虽然他很固执,但我们终于把他说服了.get there【口语】成功.get through 1)完结,做完:As soon as he got through(with)his work, he went to attend the meeting.工作一结束他就开会去了.2)到达:I started as soon as your message got through(to me).你的口信一到,我就马上动身了.3)(考试)及格.4)熬过(一个时期).5)打通电话.get to 1)开始:After a break we got to our discussion again.休息了一下,我们又开始讨论.2)到达.get together 1)聚集在一起.2)【口语】意见一致.get under压制,控制,征服,扑灭:The revolt was got under.叛乱被平息了.get under way出发,开船.get up1)起床,起立2)准备,安排,组织,起草:we’re getting up performances for National Day.我们正在排练国庆演出节目.3)演出,上演.4)装扮,打扮.


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