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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:30:59

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第585页(676字)


n.①热,热气,热度,热量:the heat of the sun’s rays太阳幅射热.latent heat 潜热.white heat 白热.red heat 赤热.black heat 黑热(未发光时的热).specific heat【理】比热.heat capacity【理】热容量.heat wave【理】热波,热浪.heat treatment【机】热处理.②热烈,激烈:in the heat of the debate在激烈的辩论中.go into the heat of the struggle到火热的斗争中去.③(一次)比赛:the final heat 决赛.preliminary(or trial) heats预赛.at a heat 一口气(做完).④(一次)熔炼:The foundry runs two heats a day.这个铸造车间一天出两炉.⑤(雌性动物)交尾期性欲冲动.

-vt.①加热,使发热:heat some water热一点水.He had heated himself by walking.他走热了.②刺激:They heated each other into a fury.他们互相刺激得狂怒起来.

-vi.变热,激昂:a heated discussion热烈的讨论.get heated with sth.由于…而激昂起来.

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