出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第587页(797字)
n.①踵,脚后跟,蹄,后蹄:lift up one’s 1heel 踢.at(or on upon)sb.’s 1heels(=at 1heel)紧跟着:Her daughter is at her 1heels.她的女儿紧跟在她的身后.②(鞋、袜的)后跟:the 1heels of boots靴后跟.down at 1heel(s)穿掉了后跟的(鞋),衣衫褴褛的(人).out at 1heel(s)袜破鞋裂,穷困.③蹄形物,物的后部,末尾.④棱,缘,面,顶.
△cool(or kick)one’s 1heels一直等着:I was left to cool my 1heels at the gate.让我在门口等了很久.have the 1heels of赶过,胜过.1heels over head(=head over 1heels)头朝下,颠三倒四:He uttered these words 1heels over head.他语无伦次地讲了这些话.kick up one’s 1heels(摆脱束缚后的)狂欢.lay(or clap)sb.by the 1heels钉镣,监禁.take to one’s 1heels(=show a clean pair of one’s 1heels)逃走.come to 1heel 1)(狗)紧跟.2)服从.turn on one’s 1heels急转身.under the 1heel of在…铁蹄下,受…蹂躏.
-vt.上鞋跟:1heel a pair of shoes给鞋子上后跟.
△1heel in给植物根部培土.