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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:34:36

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第612页(1128字)


ad.①(用作疑问副词、关系副词)怎样,如何,用什么方法:How did you get there?你是怎样去那儿的?How do you like it?你喜欢它吗?The veteran workers tell us how to run the machine老工人教我们怎样开机器.how about对…如何看法,…好吗:How about skating now?现在去滑冰好吗?How about a game of table tennis?打一盘乒乓球好吗?②(修饰形容词、副词)达到何种程度,达到多少数量.How often do you swim?你常游泳吗?I do not know how deep the river is.我不知道这河有多深.How many people are there in the hall?大厅里有多少人?How old are you?你多大年纪了?③健康如何,情况如何:How are you?你(的身体)好吗?How is your father?你父亲(的身体)好吗?How do you do?您好!(见面时的客套话,回答同用此句.)How are you getting on(or along)with your work?你工作情况怎样?How is the market today?现在市场情况怎样?④为什么:How could he make such a decision?他怎么能作出这样的决定来呢? how come为什么,…是怎么回事:How come you to dothat?你为什么做那事呢?How come we never heard about it?我们怎么从未听说这件事?How comes it that you are often late?你常迟到,究竟是怎么一回事?⑤(用于感叹句)多么,何等:How cold it is today!今天真冷呀!How bravely our men were fighting!我们的战士打得多么勇敢啊!How modern revisionism has degenerated ideologically!现代修正主义在思想意识方面已经堕落到何等地步!

△and how 真是啊(位于句末,以加强语气):He is sick,and how.他病啦,真是啊!

-n.方法:the how and the why of it它的方法和理由.

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