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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:35:55

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第623页(1444字)



①如果(用在真实条件句中):If the wounded worker needs blood,take ours.如果受伤工人需要血,我们有.I shall see him if he comes.如果他来,我就见他.if necessary如果必要:Complete the following sentences,making proper changes,if necessary.完成下列句子,如果必要,可作适当的变动.if possible可能的话:We’ll set out tomorrow,if possible.可能的话,我们明天就出发.②假若,如果(用在虚拟语气的条件句中):If capitalism were restored,millions of people would lose their lives.一旦资本主义复辟,千百万人头就要落地.If you had arrived five minutes earlier,you would have caught the train要是你早到五分钟,就可以赶上火车.if it were not for要不是…的话:If it were not for Chairman Mao,we could not have today’s happiness.要不是毛主席,我们就不能有今天的幸福.③即使,虽然:I will hold the position if I die for it.我死也要守住阵地.If he is old,he is full of vigour.他年龄虽大,倒是朝气蓬勃.even if 即使: I shall come,even if it rains tomorrow.即使明天下雨我也来.if any即使有:There are few,if any,mistakes in this article.这篇文章几乎没有什么错误.if ever即使有过,即使发生过:He rarely,if ever,comes late.他几乎从来不迟到.④…的时候,一旦:If I feel any doubt,I ask.一有疑问,我就问.⑤是否(用在ask,see,doubt,wonder等词后):He asked me if I had ever seen the film.他问我看过这电影没有.Go and see if the door is locked.去看看门锁了没有.

△if a(day,yard,an inch,etc.)不管怎么说,一定…:He is seventy,if a day(=He is seventy,if he is a day old).不管怎么说他一定有七十岁了.He measures six feet,if an inch.他确有六呎高.if only 1)要是…(用于虚拟语气的感叹句,表示愿望):If only the combat hero were alive!那位战斗英雄要是活着多好啊!2)只要(用于真实条件句):You will be welcomed by the workers,if only you become one with them.只要你同工人打成一片,他们就会欢迎你.

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