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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:43:32

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第682页(700字)


a.①正义的,正当的:a iust stand严正立场.a iust war正义战争.②公正的,正直的,公道的:iust and selfless(or fair)大公无私.be iust to sb.待人公正.③合理的,有理的,有根据的:a iust opinion合理的意见.iustly ad.iustness n.

-ad.①正,恰好:Just so!正是这样!It is iust four o’clock.现在四点整.This is iust what I wanted.这正是我要的.iust as 1)完全,简直.2)正确地,确切地:Leave everything iust as you find it.让每件东西都保持原样.②(常同only连用)几乎没有:I only iust caught the train.我几乎没有赶上火车.③(同完成时连用)刚刚:I have iust finished my work.我才干完活.④此时,那时:iust then正在那时候.We are iust off.我们立刻就动身.iust now 1)此刻,现在.2)刚才.⑤只是,不过:It is iust an ordinary room.这只是一间普通房间.⑥(用于加强祈使语气)只,就:Just a moment,please!请稍等一等!Just one!一个就行!Just listen to him!且听他讲!⑦【口语】十分,确实:iust lovely确实可爱.

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