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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:44:07

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第688页(777字)



①种族,种属,种类:the bird 1kind 鸟类.people of this 1kind(=【口语】these 1kind of people)这种人. overcome all 1kinds of difficulties克服种种困难.What 1kind of tree is this?这是什么树?A new 1kind of relationship between students and teachers is growing.一种新型的师生关系正在形成.He is the 1kind of man who likes to help comrades.他是喜欢帮助同志的人.something of the 1kind 象那一类的东西.nothing of the 1kind 绝不相似.of a 1kind 1)同样的:They are all of a 1kind.他们是属于同类的.2)徒有其名的:tea of a 1kind 劣等茶.a 1kind of多少,颇似:I had a 1kind of suspicion.我多少有些不疑.1kind of【口语】有点,到某种程度(作状语用):I 1kind of thought this would happen.我早已多少料到了这事要发生.②性质,特性:They differ in degree but not in 1kind.他们只是在程度上,而不是在性质上有所差别

△in 1kind 1)以货代款,用实物(不用金钱):pay taxes in 1kind 用实物纳税.2)同样地:repay a blow in 1kind 以牙还牙.

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