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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:49:12

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第729页(589字)


n.①界线,范围,限度,限制:go beyond the limit 超过限度.limit of fire射击限度.set a limit to限制….The greed of the social-imperialists knows no limits.社会帝国主义者是贪得无厌的.reach the limit 达到极点.to the utmost limit 到了极点.within limits适度.without limit 无限制地.off limits【美】禁止入内.be the limit 到头了:That’s the limit!【口语】简直令人忍无可忍!Thatboy is the limit.这孩子顽皮透了.②极限:func tional limit 函数极限.temperature limit 温度极限.lim·it·less a.无界限的,无限的.

-vt.限定,限制:be limited by age(sex)受年龄(性别)的限制.We must limit the expense to l00 yuan.我们必须把费用限制在一百元之内.I shall limit myself to this subject.我只谈这个问题.

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