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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:50:01

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第735页(1502字)


vi.①住,居住:1live by oneself单独居住.He 1lives in Peking.他住在北京.We ate,1lived and did manual work with the poor and lower-middle peasants.我们与贫下中农同吃同住同劳动.1live out(in)(工人、店员等)住在厂外(内),店外(内).②活着,生存:Long 1live Chairman Mao!毛主席万岁!My grandpa 1lived to see Liberation.我爷爷一直活到了解放.(as sure)as I 1live 确确实实.1live for把毕生献给:We 1live and die for the people.我们为人民而生,为人民而死.1live through(a war,crisis,etc.)渡过(战争、危机等).1live and let 1live 自己活也让别人活,【喻】容忍别人,以求别人容忍自己. 1live and learn.【谚】活到老学到老.③生活,过日子,处身,做人:1live among the masses生活在群众之中.1live to oneself过孤独生活.1live rough(or hard)过苦日子.We 1live happily now. 现在我们生活得很幸福.1live up to 1)达到…标准:We must 1live up to the expectations of the people.我们决不辜负人民的期望.2)实行:We 1live up to our word.我们说话是算数的.1live from hand to mouth过着做一天吃一天的生活.④靠…为生(on,by):1live by one’s hands(or by labour,by one’s work)靠双手(劳动)生活.1live on one’s name(=1live off one’s past glory)吃老本.1live on rice以米为主食.1live on air不吃任何东西.1live on one’s wages靠工资生活.⑤(事物)留存,(船等)幸存:His heroic deeds still 1live in our memory.他的英雄事迹仍留存在我们的记忆里.His memory 1live s.他一直没有被人忘记.No ship could 1live in such a storm.在这样大的风浪中,没有船能幸存.⑥有意义地生活:I want to 1live ;I don’t want to spend my days cooking.我要有意义地活着,我不愿意整天围着锅台转.⑦栩栩如生,生动:make a character in a book 1live 把书中某个角色写活了.

-vt.过…生活,实行:Liu Hu-lan 1lived a great life and died a glorious death.刘胡兰生的伟大,死的光荣.We 1live a collective life.我们过集体生活.He 1lives what he teaches.他以身作则.


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