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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:51:44

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第746页(559字)



①丧失,遗失:loss of money遗失钱,丢钱.loss of sight失明.②损失,损耗:loss from an earthquake地震的损失.sell sth.at a loss(of 50)减价(五十镑)出售.The enemy suffered heavy loss es in man-power and material.敌人的人力物力受到严重损失.He(or His death)is a great loss to us.他的去世是我们的一个巨大损失.loss leader为吸引顾客而亏本出卖的商品.③错过,浪费:loss of opportunity错过机会.fulfil the task without(any) loss of time毫不拖延地完成任务.④失败,失利:The enemy is doomed to the loss of the war.敌人是注定要战败的.be at a loss 不知所措,踌躇:be at a loss for a word找不到适当字眼.be at a loss to understand一时无法理解.be at a loss what to do束手无策.

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