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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:59:14

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第808页(1216字)


a.(many或much的比较级)更多的,更大的,更加的;附加的:give the matter much more consideration仔细考虑考虑这件事.one more meeting再开一次会.1 want some more pencils.我再要几支铅笔.Have you any more paper?你还有纸吗?You should pay more attention to your pronunciation.你应当多注意发音.

-ad.①(和多音节的形容词或副词构成比较级)更:Be more patient.更耐心些.He writes more carefully than he did before.他写得比以前更仔细些.②(much的比较级)更多地,更大地:You need to sleep more.你要多睡点觉.He was more frightened than hurt.他受了惊吓,伤倒不重.③再:Repeat it once more.再重复一次.I shall not go there any more.我再也不到那儿去了.

△all the more 更加,愈加:He felt all the more the importance of his duty.他越来越感到自己责任的重大.more and more 愈来愈:The AfroAmericans are more and more awakening.美国黑人日益觉醒.more or less1)或多或少:They are more or less proficient in English.他们或多或少通晓点英语.2)左右:a hundred more or less一百左右.no more 1)也不,都不:You did not come,no more did I.你没来,我也没来.2)死了:He will soon be no more.他就要死了.3)再不:We saw him no more.我们再也没看见他.and what is more 而且,加之:He speaks English ffuently,and what is more,he makes no mistakes.他英语说得流利,而且没有错误.

-n.更多,更大,加之:There is always more to understand and to learn.总有更多的东西要了解,要学习.Instead of fewer tools,we want more.我们需要更多的工具,而不是更少的工具.

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