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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:02:12

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第828页(529字)



①颈,脖子:neck and crop一古脑儿.neck or nothing孤注一掷,拚命.break one’s neck l)折断颈骨而死.2)用九之力:I broke my neck trying to get there on time.我拚命争取及时到达.break the neck of a task完成工作中最困难的部分.get it in the neck【俚】受到严重打击(挫折).(run) neck and neck 并驾齐驱,不分胜负.save one’s neck 免受绞刑,【喻】避免了干傻事所造成的后果.stick one’s neck out【俚】冒着受批评或其他风险做某事,跳出来.up to one’s neck in深陷于….He is up to his neck in work.他有很多工作要做.②衣领.③颈部肉:neck of mutton颈肉.④颈状物:the neck of a bottle瓶颈.a narrow neck of land狭窄的地带.⑤【俚】厚颜:have the neck to(do)厚着脸皮做….

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