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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:07:44

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第866页(2180字)


prep.①(表示接触、附着、支持)在…上,…着:on the desk在书桌上.on the road在路上.on one’s way home在回家的路上.carry sth.on one’s back背着东西.stick a stamp on the envelope把邮票贴在信封上.turn on a shaft在轴上转动.with his cap on his head他头上戴着帽子.sit on the bench坐在长凳上.Have you a knife on you?你身边有小刀吗?②(表示时间)在…:on May Day在‘五一’节.on May 20,1970在一九七〇年五月二十日.on the evening of Oetober the first在10月1日夜晚.on a rainy day在雨天.on that day在那天.on the occasion在这个时候(时机).on the instant即刻.on time按时,准时.on arriving home他一到家就….We have political study on Wednesday afternoon.我们星期三下午政治学习.③(表示根据、基础、理由)靠,根据,凭借,由于:act on principle按原则办事.based on fact以事实为根据.on account of凭借,由于.on condition that以…为条件.on pretence借口.on an average按平均计算.On what ground?凭什么理由?有什么根据?④关于:on Practice《实践论》.a handbook onmedical herbs草药手册a report on current affairs时事报告.an exhibition on class education阶级教育展览会.The workers asked the commune members for opinions on their new products.人向社员征求对新产品的意见.⑤(表示方向)向…,朝…:hit sb.on the head打某人的头.march on a place向某地前进.walk on to the platform朝讲台走去.The guerrilla made an attack on the area occupied by the enemy.游击队向敌占区进攻.⑥(表示接近)接近,邻近,沿…,…旁:the houses on the road路旁的房屋.the provinces on the coast沿海各省.a village on the frontier边境上的村庄.on both sides of the Yangtse River长江两岸.just on two years ago将近两年以前.⑦(表示方式、手段、状态、动作、目的)在…中,从事于:on strike在罢工.on duty值日.on business因公事.on guard站岗.on night shift值夜班.on purpose故意地.on sale出售.on the move动着.on tire着火.⑧加,加上:defeat on defeat接二连三的失败.heaps on heaps一堆堆.loss on loss一再损失.⑨(是)…的成员:Comrade Li is on the revolutionary committee.李同志是革命委员会委员.

-ad.①(表示向前、继续)向前,前进,继续:move on 不停地前进.speak on 说下去.from that day on 从那天起.be getting on in years渐渐老了.It is getting on for ten o’clock快十点了.The work is well on.工.作顺利进行.It is well on in the night.夜已经很深了.on and on 继续不停地.and so on 等等.later on 到后来.②(表示接触、覆盖)…上:put the kettle on 把壶放上.On with your coat!穿上外衣!He has a rifle on.他背着一支枪.Has he got his spectacles on?他戴眼镜了吗?③(表示光线、水道、煤气、电流等)开着,通着:switch on the electric light开电灯.turn on the water打开自来水Is the gas on?煤气开着吗?④(与be或have连用)进行着,发生着:The meeting is on.会议正在进行.What’s on?发生了什么事情?演什么节目?Have you anything on this evening?你今晚有事吗? Breakfast is on from 6:30 to 7:30.六点半到七点半开早.饭.

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